Saturday, February 16, 2013


Today I am going to talk briefly about over flowing landfills and the impacts they impose on the environment, communities, and the tourism industry.
The waste in landfills produces a gas (primarily made of methane gas) as it decomposes; this gas contributes to climate change. I found out recently that this gas can be captured and re-used for other jobs, such as ones in the fuel industry and in heating buildings. Wow! This would be so amazing if we could do this all over the world, imagine all that gas we would prevent from going into the atmosphere!
From an article that I read from the Stats Canada website, it mentions that there is concern that our landfills in Canada are almost reaching their capacity! Where are we going to put the garbage if our landfills are full?! This blows my mind! All I can think about is the potential piles of garbage on the side of streets and pretty much anywhere they will fit if the landfills are not available anymore. Imagine what our country (and the rest of the world for that matter) will look like if this happens. Disgusting!
Probably something like this! Doesn’t it look like a beautiful place to live? And visit? Would we really have tourists and visitors anymore if our destinations looked anything like this?
How would we get rid of all this garbage if there was nowhere to store it anymore? We could burn it... but what about all of the toxic pollution that would cause? Burning the garbage would cause so much damage to our environment! There are so many questions that we need answered on this topic, and I hope one day we get them.
I think Leonard would enjoy living in the pile of garbage in the picture above!

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